Singing Guide: Sabrina Claudio feat. ZAYN

Singing Guide: Sabrina Claudio feat. ZAYN

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sabrina Claudio is a highly gifted singer and songwriter with a distinct voice. She has quickly gained popularity in recent times due to her soulful, intimate, and ethereal vocal tone. In this article, we will explore how you can learn to sing like Sabrina Claudio and some of her vocal techniques and songs that showcase them.

Vocal Technique

The unique quality of Sabrina's voice comes from her breathy tone, which adds depth and richness to her singing. Achieving this vocal quality involves releasing the airflow into the larynx with minimal vocal fold closure. Proper breathing and posture are essential for this technique, as they help maintain proper airflow while singing. For practical advice, please refer to Singing Carrots' articles on breathing basics, breath support, and how posture affects your singing.

Another technique that Sabrina has mastered is the use of vibrato. Vibrato is a slight variation in pitch that adds emotion and depth to singing. Check out Singing Carrots' video on singing with vibrato for tips on how to incorporate this technique into your singing.

Songs to showcase technique:

  • Belong to You
  • Orion’s Belt
  • Frozen
  • Control

Useful Tools

  • To find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, use Singing Carrots’ song search feature.
  • To test your voice range and benchmark it against famous singers, use Singing Carrots' vocal range test tool.
  • Use the pitch accuracy test to measure your pitch accuracy.
  • The vocal pitch monitor will help you visualize and improve your pitch accuracy.
  • The Singing Carrots pitch training tool is an interactive singing game that will help you improve your pitch accuracy and singing range.

By using the resources and tools available on Singing Carrots, and by studying Sabrina Claudio’s unique vocal techniques, you can develop the skills necessary to sing like this exceptional artist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.